Our Team

Board Chair

Fr. Henry Sunguti, OSA is a Kenyan Catholic Augustinian Missionary priest of the Order of St. Augustine. He was Ordained 11 years ago. He was father in charge at Baba Dogo Catholic parish for 9 years. It is during his tenure in Baba Dogo that CCHA was established. Fr. Sunguti has enormous experience working in informal settlement for this formed the large part of parish where he served with different programs that were faith based and same time meant for the uplifting of the less fortunate in the society.

Currently he is in charge of the Augustinian International house of Theology Seminarians in Karen Nairobi and the chair of Mukhuyu Health & Education CBO in Kakamega that has been in existence since 2014 focusing on health, education, drilling of boreholes and general community economic development.

Fr. Sunguti holds Degree in Philosophy from Urbaniana University Rome, Degree in Sacred Theology from CUEA, and currently a postgraduate student in Kenyatta University.

~ Father Henry Sunguti.
~ Board Chair

Board Member

Enock Rono is a financial advisory and financial risk consultant with over over 16 years’ experience in banking industry and other financial sectors, majorly supporting Micro Enterprises, SMEs and Corporates. He holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA)- Finance and Banking from the University of Nairobi and a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management-Accounting from Moi University. He is also a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Part 2.

He is a seasoned market research analyst, financial analyst, advisor and strategist. He is Currently Co-Founder and Director at Centres for Community Health Access (CCHA).

He is also involved in several community based support programs, economic empowerment activities and financial literacy across the counties.

~ Mr. Enock Rono
~ Board Member

Board Secretary

Naomi is a senior health professional with over 12 years’ experience delivering high impact healthcare interventions - in both urban informal settlements and rural communities. Working in resource-constrained environments, Naomi prides herself in building top performing multi-disciplinary teams. Her oversight of the health program in Shining Hope for Communities contributed to their winning the 2018 Hilton Humanitarian Aid Award. She has left a trail of success and excellence in all her work stations to include Eastern Deanery AIDS Relief program and Tenwek mission Hospital. She has participated in several research work and publications on health intervention outcomes and impact among them Impact of Antiretroviral treatment in co-infected patients that was presented in a world TB conference in Barcelona in 2014 and impact of economic empowerment on PMTCT mothers that was presented in Dar-esalam Tanzania in a conference organized by the Agakhan University Hospital (AKU) in 2017. She is a member of several healthcare Technical Working Groups (TWGs) within Nairobi County in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and works with Non-governmental Organizations and Community Based programs/organizations (CBO’s) as a Healthcare systems strengthening expert, advisor and strategist.

She is the founder and director for Centres for Community Healthcare Access where she currently provides oversight for all its programs.

Naomi has a background in Kenya Registered Community Health Nursing with a Bsc. in Public Health from Jomo Kenyatta University and higher national Diploma in epidemiology. She is currently pursuing Master of Business administration in Healthcare Management (MBAHCM) at Strathmore University.

~ Ms. Naomi Kirui
~ C.E.O and founder- CCHA

Board Member

Albanous Gituru is a seasoned development practitioner with over 15 years of experience in management and implementation of development programmes in Education, Health, Youth Empowerment, Community Media, Economic Empowerment and Gender programming. He is a community organizer in urban informal settlements having mobilized and organized various communities to advocate for a number of causes, predominantly on social justice. Gituru has worked in various non-profit organizations and has exposure in development organization management from a community-based organization level to an international NGO level. He is a pioneer member of Slums Information Development and Resources Centres, having steered the organization from its inception to gain international accolades and win international awards such as The One Foundation excellence award in poverty alleviation strategies and The Stars Impact Award in Education.

He has managed high-level donor-funded projects with international NGOs, including Comic Relief, USAID, UKAID and Ford Foundation among others. Gituru has a diploma in Youth Development Work from Dar-Es-salaam University, a degree in Sociology and Psychology from the University of Nairobi, M.A in Monitoring and Evaluation of Development Programmes from the University of Nairobi and a Master’s degree in Health Promotion and International Development from the University College London.

He is currently the Programmes Director at AmericaShare and the Executive Director for the Centre for Empowerment and Integrated Development (CEMID-Kenya).

~ Mr. Albanous Gituru
~ Board Member

Vice Board Chair.

Lydia is an Obstetrician / Gynecologist, she has worked with the public sector most of her career. She is currently the director for Health Care Quality (HCQ) at Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi Kenya. Her role at HCQ which largely entails supporting the hospital in ensuring that systems and process align to provide quality, safe and patient centred services. She is in charge of Infection Prevention and Control (IPC), Public Health (PH), Patient Safety (PS), Patient Affairs (PA), and Standards and Process Improvement (SPI) across the hospital. Over the years she has been able to incrementally refine the performance measures with regards to Quality of care and leveraging on institutional platform for accountability, monitoring and improvement.

She also supports community level screening and treatment of premalignant cancer of the cervix at the Tabitha clinic Kibera.

She is a member of the Quality of Care and Standards, Patient safety TWG, and supports the Maternal Quality of health care efforts with the QOC Africa patient safety initiative for implementing WHO Patient safety country commitments. President and Founding of Society for Quality Health Care in Kenya SQHK.

She holds MBChB, MMed Obstetrics and Gynecology, MPH, Safety Quality Informatics and leadership (SQIL) and also a fellow with International society for Quality in Health Care FISQua.

~ Vice Board Chair.